Columbus area features

<Basic information>
Ohio Population: 11.73 million
Columbus City Population: 920,000
Columbus City Area: 567 km²
Ohio, in the Midwestern United States, is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, the Great Lakes. It is the capital city located in the center of Ohio, and the time difference from Japan is -14 hours.
Columbus is the 14th largest city in the United States with a population of 920,000. There is an international airport in the center and it is easily accessible. With a variety of faces such as historic districts and vibrant downtown art, sports, shopping and entertainment, it is known nationwide for its surprisingly affordable quality of life.
The charm of Columbus
Second largest investment in the United States after California
There are four seasons, and spring when flowers such as cherry blossoms bloom all at once, summer when it is refreshing like a summer resort, autumn when the beauty of autumn leaves is eye-catching, and winter when the cold is clear will make spring coming next. Will give you. Ohio, which has more than 500 Japanese companies including Honda, is the 7th largest GDP in the United States. Ohio has the second largest investment in the United States after California. On the other hand, from the perspective of Ohio, Japan accounts for 25% of the investment in the United States and is by far the number one. Germany and the UK are in second and third place with 9% and 7%.

National Home Market and Increasing Population Influx

Columbus, the state capital, is located almost in the middle of Ohio. It is the 14th most populous city in the United States and is said to be the fourth hottest housing market by economists of the National Association of Realtors in 2020 and is growing rapidly. The largest Japanese language department in the United States, with the headquarters of the logistics center, insurance, food service industry such as Wendy's, and apparel industry such as Abakuro, because the manufacturing industry including Honda can access 46% of the population in the United States in 10 hours of operation. Ohio State University, which has the second largest number of students, Big Data and other multi-industry industries that are strong in recession. The most attractive thing about Columbus is its friendly citizenship. The temperament of accepting people from the outside promotes the influx of population.
Dublin, the second most populous city in the Midwest
The average income is $ 127,000, while the purchase price of a detached house is between $ 350,000 and 400,000, which is a real-demand housing market with strong local employment and affordable prices. Since expatriate families from Japan seek rental housing in this area with high school level, both reliable income gain and high growth rate capital gain can be obtained. Also known as the birthplace of Jack Nicklaus for the PGA Tour Memorial Tournament, he is one of the top 10 regulars in the United States who wants to live in an economic magazine with the aim of living, working, playing, walking, and a sustainable community. is there.